Want to Stress-Free? Telephone Chat

In addition to ease of communication, mobile phones it also can help relieve stress. Why, how could I?

Based on research that dlakukan scientists say, the phone has the power to calm you down when you feel anxious and overwhelmed. Automatic circumstances it will also help your body to release pleasure hormones, such as after you orgasm.

So, what to do?

Researchers added, simply call, rather than simply sending a short message. A biological anthropologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison led a study that found that listening to someone on the phone has the ability to reduce stress levels and increase listener oxytocin (the hormone of love).

However, receiving an SMS, even with very sweet words, do not have the same effect. Positive effect on the phone in reducing stress also exceeds the effect of the chat, read Facebook messages, and emails.

The research was conducted by monitoring the relationship between mother and child, lover, and a young woman with other people. Although only a simple experiment, the researchers were eager to roll out further studies.

Therefore, if you're feeling anxious, agitated, nervous, or overwhelmed, try calling a close friend or mother. And see, if this way is able to calm yourself.